The first PORT PERFORMANCE ART WORKSHOP took place from the 6th-13th of August 2006 in the shipyard in Gdansk, Poland (documentation of this workshop you can see here).
For our second workshop from the 5th to the 15th of january we have choosen the two estonian Port cities Tallinn and Pärnu especially in the coldest time of the year. The cold as a challange to find, to train and to use personal resources for warm up body, mind and spirit. Estonia has a special character during this time, Prof. Jaan Toomik from the IDK name it “the estonian energy” (eesti energia). This energetic potential we will use for our performative workshop, that will take place in different places in Tallinn and Pärnu.
The workshop will be given by the international Performance-artists and –teachers Angelika Fojtuch and BBB Johannes Deimling. The aim of the workshop is to work out an Art-Performance and its final public presentation. We will realize specifical excercises that will help to transform own ideas into a performative work. The center of the workshop focuses the perception of the own personality and the communication with the body. Own perception and selfexperiences characterize the feeling in dealing with body, time and space in performance art as well as in ordinary communication. To understand his body as a tool and to use this tool in his own communications is the basic aim of this workshop. Besides this artistical offer we announce inspirational cultural adventures.
PORT PERFORMANCE is a forum for Performance Art that wants to mediate the experiences with borders. The port, a place between the elements water and land. Goods are shipped out of the land to other countires and other goods are coming over the port back into the land. A constant exchange between goods and persons, a daily in- and export of values. Art Performance is a similar place. The port is the human body itself, that exchanges his inside values with the outside world. Communication take place.
PORT PERFORMANCE conects Performance Art with education, traveling and meeting to a special form of teaching Art in context.
for more Informations, please visit our website www.portperformance.net
Angelika Fojtuch & BBB Johannes Deimling