MOTION 4, Berlin

M4 – Tachometer


Is the yardstick measuring the current state of Art Performance

Place: Kunstverein Tiergarten | Galerie Nord, Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin | Germany

Datum: 15./16. February 2008

For two days, gallery Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten will be showing a cross-section of the current Art Performance-Scene. On the first day, screenings and projections of performances will be giving a perspective of up-to-date productions. In the evening there will be a discussion about this subject. On the second day various performers will be showing their works.

Traditionally, performers tended to encapsulate themselves in stone, be buried in the ground, cut limbs, transplant ears on arms or put horns on their foreheads. The body was the performars primary tool – as it still is today. Oscillating between vanishing points in cyberspace and emerging definitions of social structures, the understanding of performance and body is changing. Current performances examine a certain renaissance of sexual patterns, formarly perceived as faded, as well as today’s interrelated work- and social space.

Contemporary performance reduces actions by means of new media, such as documentary practices in film, and thus connecting to Arte Povera and other minimalist traditions.  Art performance, therefore, remains decidedly outside current forms of art-market strategies, but is rather functioning as sozio-critical event. Occasionally roles are even traded between audience and performers. Actors and consumers exchange positions.  Furthermore, political implications are placing current performances firmly in society itself, without assuming pedagogical means.

M4 is looking for Video-work dealing with new tendencies in Art Performance.

Please send them to:

Richard Rabensaat, Osloer Str. 114, 13359 Berlin, Germany

T 049 (0) 30 493 65 75

Ein Kommentar zu »MOTION 4, Berlin«

  1. Dovrat Ana Meron schreibt:

    about 3 weeks ago I was sending word docs in order to find out the possebilities to take part in Motion 4. there was no reply to this mail and the following one.
    I send the additional dvds and will be thankfull if you can confirm that you have got them.
    Thank you in advance
    mit freundlichen Grüßen und Wheinacht Grüsse

    Dovrat Ana Meron
    Schwedter str 22
    10119 Berlin

    Home: +49 (0) 30 43735768
    Cell:+49 (0) 0175 8289490

    Galleria ScalaMata/ScalaMata Gallery
    Ghetto Vecchio 1236
    Cannaregio 30121 Venezia Italia
    (Vaporetto stazione Ponte delle Guglie)

    Tel/fax: +39 041 5208997
    Cell: +39 39585323

    Ore d’aperatura/Opening time:
    Luni – Dom/ Mon-Sun 10:30-13:30 /16:00-18:30
    Sat – closed Sabato – chiuso

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